هذه بلاطات زليج زجاجية على شكل معين مقاس 3 بوصات (75x33x11 مم). تم إنتاجها يدويًا في فاس، المغرب باستخدام الطين المحلي التقليدي، يتم الحصول على الزليج الأصلي. يتم تركيب بلاطات المعين الصغيرة على شكل 24 قطعة لكل حصيرة شبكية مقاس 9 × 10 بوصات (235 × 250 مم) بنمط شيفرون.
HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: Our #1 priority here is your happiness. Which means we stand by our product 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Refund it. Send you new replacements for free. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We’re here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed Forever.
بلاط زليج باللون الأحمر النبيذي يعتبر الزليج الأحمر الداكن من الألوان الشائعة جدًا، وهو لون دافئ للغاية ويمكنه تعزيز الألوان الفاتحة المحيطة. ويضفي هذا الغطاء المميز طابعًا مميزًا على الديكور. وعادةً ما يضفي الزليج الأحمر الدفء على الديكورات الداخلية.
النبيذ الأحمر: مثالي للمطبخ كما يوحي اسمه، يرتبط هذا اللون ببقايا النبيذ. وهو مثالي في المطبخ لإنشاء لوحة خلفية بلون جريء وجريء. سيبرز هذا اللون الأحمر الخزائن واللوحات، سواء كانت بيضاء أو سوداء. في المطبخ أو في الحمام، سيضفي هذا الزليج سحرًا لا يمكن إنكاره على غرفتك.
البلاط المغربي الحرفي بلاط الزليج المغربي هو منتج حرفي بالكامل، فهو مصنوع يدويًا. هذا الغطاء مصنوع من الطين المحروق مع مينا ملونة لامعة. حواف وأسفل بلاط الزليج غير منتظمة. الزليج منتج فريد ومقدر للغاية لأنه أصيل ويضفي سحرًا على المنزل.
HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: Our #1 priority here is your happiness. Which means we stand by our product 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Refund it. Send you new replacements for free. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We’re here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed Forever.
بلاط زليج مغربي باللون الأصفر الخردلي 10×10 سم
Prix régulier€3.00
خصائص الزليج الأصفر الخردلي يتم الحصول على ظلال الزليج الأصفر الخردلي من خلال تركيز أكاسيد الحديد وتنوع اللهب على المينا أثناء الحرق الثاني. كما أنه نتيجة لخبرة الحرفيين الذين يقيسون ويخلطون الأكاسيد المختلفة للحصول على لون دقيق وظل فريد. في الواقع، يتم تصنيع الزليج يدويًا وبطريقة تقليدية. يتم عجن الطين الأبيض من فاس، المعروف بمتانته الكبيرة، بالماء ثم تشكيله وتجفيفه وتقطيعه إلى مربعات. يتم حرقها لأول مرة ثم طلائها بالمينا. يتميز الزليج المغربي بأنه زخرفي وعصري، كما أنه يرضي بمتانته وسهولة صيانته. لا يخاف من البقع والرطوبة والحرارة، وله العديد من الصفات
يضفي الزليج الأصفر الخردلي إشراقة على الغرف عندما ترى هذا اللون الأصفر الخردلي، قد تعتقد أنه ليس من السهل دمجه... في الواقع، إنه ناعم ودافئ وينشر الفروق الدقيقة الدقيقة التي لا تبهر أبدًا. هذا ما يجعل الزليج استثنائيًا: عرق اللؤلؤ الخاص به ليس ساطعًا أبدًا، بل مجرد مزيج ذكي من الانعكاسات التي تشكل معًا لوحة قماشية رائعة على جدرانك. هذا اللون الأصفر الخردلي هو لون بروفانس، أواني الخردل المرسوم عليها زيتون أسود، ولكنه أيضًا الضوء الذي قد يغيب عن زوايا المطبخ أو الحمامات، والبهجة التي تنتشر والمظهر الذي ينجذب على الفور إلى بهجة هذه البلاطات الجدارية الصغيرة. زليج أصفر الخردل نشيط في الحمام ودافئ في المطبخ، وهو ديكور مبهج وتأكيد جميل لشخصيتك!
HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: Our #1 priority here is your happiness. Which means we stand by our product 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Refund it. Send you new replacements for free. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We’re here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed Forever.
zellige beldi fasi
Prix régulier€4.00
Destination : exterior and interior
Material : traditional Moroccan zellige tiles
Round shape
Finish : natural and enamel
Color : natural
Home delivery
Anti-stain : NO
Availability : in stock
HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: Our #1 priority here is your happiness. Which means we stand by our product 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Refund it. Send you new replacements for free. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We’re here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed Forever.
Bejmat moroccan zellige SQI
Prix régulier€3.00
Characteristics of mustard yellow zellige The shades of mustard yellow zellige are obtained by the concentration of iron oxides and the variation of the flames on the enamel during the second firing. It is also the result of the know-how of the craftsmen who measure and mix the different oxides to obtain a precise color and a unique shade. Indeed, the zelliges are made by hand and in a traditional way. The white clay of Fez, renowned for its great robustness, is kneaded with water then modeled, dried and cut into tesserae. These are fired a first time then enameled. Decorative and trendy, Moroccan zellige also pleases with its robustness and ease of maintenance. Not afraid of stains, humidity and heat, it has many qualities
Mustard yellow zellige brightens up rooms When you see this mustard yellow, you might think that it is probably not easy to integrate... In reality, it is rather soft, warm and diffuses subtle nuances that never dazzle. This is what makes zelliges exceptional: their mother-of-pearl is never too bright, just a clever mix of reflections that, together, make up a magnificent canvas on your walls. This mustard yellow is that of Provence, mustard pots with black olives painted on them, but it is also the light that can be missing in kitchen corners or bathrooms, the joy that spreads and the looks instantly attracted by the cheerfulness of these small wall tiles. Energetic in a bathroom and warm in a kitchen, mustard yellow zellige is a peppy decoration and a beautiful confirmation of your personality!
HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: Our #1 priority here is your happiness. Which means we stand by our product 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Refund it. Send you new replacements for free. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We’re here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed Forever.
Bejmat moroccan zellige QS
Prix régulier€3.00
Characteristics of mustard yellow zellige The shades of mustard yellow zellige are obtained by the concentration of iron oxides and the variation of the flames on the enamel during the second firing. It is also the result of the know-how of the craftsmen who measure and mix the different oxides to obtain a precise color and a unique shade. Indeed, the zelliges are made by hand and in a traditional way. The white clay of Fez, renowned for its great robustness, is kneaded with water then modeled, dried and cut into tesserae. These are fired a first time then enameled. Decorative and trendy, Moroccan zellige also pleases with its robustness and ease of maintenance. Not afraid of stains, humidity and heat, it has many qualities
Mustard yellow zellige brightens up rooms When you see this mustard yellow, you might think that it is probably not easy to integrate... In reality, it is rather soft, warm and diffuses subtle nuances that never dazzle. This is what makes zelliges exceptional: their mother-of-pearl is never too bright, just a clever mix of reflections that, together, make up a magnificent canvas on your walls. This mustard yellow is that of Provence, mustard pots with black olives painted on them, but it is also the light that can be missing in kitchen corners or bathrooms, the joy that spreads and the looks instantly attracted by the cheerfulness of these small wall tiles. Energetic in a bathroom and warm in a kitchen, mustard yellow zellige is a peppy decoration and a beautiful confirmation of your personality!
HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: Our #1 priority here is your happiness. Which means we stand by our product 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Refund it. Send you new replacements for free. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We’re here for you. Happiness. Guaranteed Forever.